Act on the saying “waste not, want not” by reducing waste in your kitchen. The busiest room in the house is also the biggest culprit for producing garbage. Think about all the spoiled food, cereal boxes, and milk cartons that pile up daily. To help protect the environment you can...
Recycling Made Easy in Many Ways
When people think of recycling, they typically think about recycling bottles and cans at the bottle depot. While this is a great way to recycle, it is not the only way, in fact, far from it. There are many ways to recycle. Here are a few things to consider when...
Recycling – Everything You Want to Know
Do you want to make a difference? Recycling is one of the main actions you can take to make a difference in the world. By recycling bottles and cans along with other items, you are saving manufacturing energy, avoiding the destruction of natural resources, eliminating waste in landfills, keeping wildlife...
Stop! Know the Important Facts About Recycling
Keeping the planet beautiful is one of the main benefits of recycling. A healthy environment can be maintained for future generations by reducing pollutants in the air and repurposing existing products to eliminate the need to source raw materials from nature. Every time you head to your nearest bottle depot...
How to Make Recycling Fun?
While recycling, reducing, and reusing products helps make the world greener it may seem like a huge chore. You may wonder how you can get your kids involved or make this task less mundane. Why not consider initiating a recycling program in your community or at work? It is possible...
Life of Plastic – Everything You Need to Know About Recycling Plastic
Plastic! It’s been given a bad rap. This useful material is great if you recycle and reuse it to help reduce the new production of it. The three r’s of recycling are important actions to put into play in your everyday life. Check Calgary bottle depot hours to find out...
5 Interesting Facts About Recycling You Must Know!
Recycling may seem like a mundane topic but there are a lot of interesting facts about it. Repurposing glass, plastic, and aluminum are just a drop in the bucket. It is time to think outside the box and stop throwing everything into the garbage bin. Here is some entertaining information...
Debunking Recycling Myths: 10 Common Myths & Their Truth
There are a lot of myths and confusion surrounding recycling. You may want to recycle but find it difficult to decipher what is true from what is false. Your local bottle return depot can set you straight and guide you on your recycling journey. Before you start sorting all your...
How to Become a Great Recycler?
Recycling can seem like a daunting task with all those bottles and cans piling up in your garage. If you are feeling a little overwhelmed, a Calgary bottle depot is the ideal place to go. There are so many benefits to recycling besides making space to park your vehicles. It...
Can I Recycle More Than Bottles and Cans at the Bottle Depot?
Recycling plays an important role in keeping the world’s garbage dumps from getting overrun. When you return items made from reusable material back to the bottle depot you are: Helping save the environment and protect thousands of birds, marine life, and land animals – By reusing or repurposing products there...