Plastic! It’s been given a bad rap. This useful material is great if you recycle and reuse it to help reduce the new production of it. The three r’s of recycling are important actions to put into play in your everyday life. Check Calgary bottle depot hours to find out...
5 Interesting Facts About Recycling You Must Know!
Recycling may seem like a mundane topic but there are a lot of interesting facts about it. Repurposing glass, plastic, and aluminum are just a drop in the bucket. It is time to think outside the box and stop throwing everything into the garbage bin. Here is some entertaining information...
Debunking Recycling Myths: 10 Common Myths & Their Truth
There are a lot of myths and confusion surrounding recycling. You may want to recycle but find it difficult to decipher what is true from what is false. Your local bottle return depot can set you straight and guide you on your recycling journey. Before you start sorting all your...
How to Become a Great Recycler?
Recycling can seem like a daunting task with all those bottles and cans piling up in your garage. If you are feeling a little overwhelmed, a Calgary bottle depot is the ideal place to go. There are so many benefits to recycling besides making space to park your vehicles. It...